Monday, December 20, 2010
Yellow Mucus In Throat Sore Throat
toast that we have a year with a lot of sense.
Because we feel the details, the little things, gestures, roces.Porque us deep emotions. Because laugh and cry.
Because we live, in short.
Because our human side, more humble, to surface and allow confessions, but they are the last minute.
Because we ourselves, and we dare. One year
sense ... with a lot of sense.
my heartfelt kiss.
Happy New Year.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Best Setting For Rca Surround Sound

I want a bowl. I will serve to collect water, drink and wash, even to transport these days of cold snow, I can use it to push the ice piles up at my door, or climb it, get around the puddles. With it, I can take drugs, carry the babies, cooking, and sleeping dentro.Todo that.
I can under its belly covered with heavy rains, even if the level gets too high the river, I can use the barge and stretching the knees, cross over I'll still lado.Allí a basin.
If I feel tired, I will return and sit on your belly, breathe deep, I'll take fuerezas feeling full of my bowl.
All resilient ( that boasts, has a basin, and if I think you just have to remember those trips, those pictures, those images viste.Toda life that emerges from TV, women, men and children carrying a bowl. In these neighborhoods, in these countries, in those places ... all these, carry one, should be keeping a miracle in itself, and that so little is accomplished that mucho.Sobrevivir and be happy. A great combination based on a pan.
I want a bowl. Gather fruit, I will bear my clothes will protect me from the bullets.
I want a bowl. Clearly, if these are high quality ... I need it in this society, but "society" is if we deal basins sucia.Tal time instead of points for moving, if we pull on one with the life insurance and not a pressure cooker, or if the window overlook Loewe showcase this Christmas ...
I want a bowl.
I want.
And possibly, but not know it, you, too.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Xbox 360 Coyotes Hunting

As many other stories, it begins with something that "I have a friend who bought a bird with colorful wings. Proud of his find, buy or invest, looked empty your wallet, and smiled." impressive, "he said." This will give color to my life
At home, put him into his new cage. The bug, happy, jumping from one club to another and from one gate to another. peeping their new environment glance. whistling and shaking his head as if humans say "maybe".
That was his name taken: Maybe.
may give perfectly good morning, and painted the sunrise and stay with their plumage, their movement and vitality. The joy that emanates from a caged slut still do not know when it is.
Moved My friend said, "I'll let it fly and hover around here. You'll feel good, continue happy, and I'll enjoy watching it, watching."
He spent some time walking around the living room, kitchen and bedroom. Jumping from one side to another, leaving behind a trail of color.
The owner was pleasantly surprised to see that perhaps he returned to his cage, went in and out, over and over, like a beautiful dance, or ritual in which he showed that he knew fully their territory, and its mission.
Valiente, opened the window and the bird perched on the railing of the balcony and rose out, flew off to the shoulder of a neighbor who was walking in the park across the street. And the shoulder to a branch, on a shelf, and from the balcony.
He was my friend, there, stiff, for a while watching the scene. But suddenly he began to feel that the more fluttering, the more you away ... but no fear was in return. Certainly
a while the animal returned to its cage and rested quietly in his trough. He kept waving his 'maybe' as a greeting.
My friend looked at him seriously, and decided to close the door, still not knowing what really caged.
fear now felt different. Fear not watch it fly. And excusó pensando "Es posible que otros tambien lo consideren atractivo y pretendan quedarselo. Es probable que olvide su pertenencia, su camino de vuelta.... Cabe la hipotesis de que al final se agote de sus andaduras, y luego no quiera volar de regreso a la casa, con lo cual yo perdería su precioso vuelo, su rastro multicolor", se justificó.Pero lo cierto, es que dentro de la jaula tambien lo perdía. Ya no había aleteo multicolor.
Tal vez siguió saltando encerrado en su jaula, un día y otro,y otro tambien, hasta que sus plumas de colores empezaron a caer, y fueron mudadas por unas blancas y grisáceas. Tambien dejó de menear la cabeza, de dar los buenos días...ahora, sólo parecía decir adios.
And he lived and lived in the cage, without gloss or color, receiving his food, his attention, all the while continuing to be a caged bird leaving behind one bird, the color of the wings.
how about you, what color have feathers?
pd. the image is Mingote.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Oovoo Doesnt Recognize Mac Webcam

Matilda outlined eyebrows when he was not yet the two grooves in the front that the divide symmetrically, and end up drawing two huge eels. While still not had wrinkled his nose like an accordion, and had lips fleshy and cheerful, and no dark circles and scars at that time were erased. They are chiseled
when I was still a lively eyes, when hair was dark and dream happy dreams. Today just wants to sleep. Only dream of slumber and forget.
The car rattles and she closes her eyes. Further shrink its muzzle.
these dark lines were tattooed when I thought to become beautiful, to become a beautiful being. Slender and cheerful, they said. While still not allow all those archaea is over for some bills, when not traveling asleep on train going from bed to bed to meet other dreams, while still not had a dream to sleep forever. Even then, trying to fulfill theirs. The car shakes
Matilde and squirms in the seat. Had taken position, and had managed to put the mind blank. As white as their color. White and gray. Off. Sad. Opaque.
Nobody looks. No one sees. Neither those who lie down on it. Or herself.
no longer exist, they say now. Only
eyebrows intact. Igualitas then. They decided that afternoon that burned forever.
And now that escapes, they are kept stiff. Dark. The same eyebrows that Matilde. Matilde's eyebrows, it is said.
And though the day he meets his dream, to sleep forever, your eyebrows will be his trademark, his signature carved symbol which was not dreamed of being. Matilde
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Beste Foundation Brush

beginning to think I should ask more questions that continually drop as many sentences. I suspect that is turning out a rose with a pick, which we called issue, rather than critical, with the intention of anymore, is sanding what you read, and what you hear.
Revolver, will be my word, and I warn you is seventeen meanings.
Yesterday afternoon I opened a session Personas.Yo Development, delighted, excited and entregada.Además, as always, sounds good. Well because it is expected that sounds good, and also because they are used buzzwords. But certainly until the end, until the participants move, change, train, think, ... they stir ... until then, the development will be absent. And we, my partner and I keep pushing all the minutes for that development occurs. For this to happen. Pushing human moles, meat balls, concrete and glass. Seeing as they fall apart, how to crack, how to suffer and how to win.
"Why do I have to change? If I am right, if I do well, now we have to change everything every few minutes," they protest.
And back to the load, but if there is to be changed every two months, but to introduce the change as a habit, like a conducta.El personal development as a way of life, grow and grow, expand, exploit our talent ... and I say sounds good. The words are just beautiful, what really matters are the facts.
So, I change as breathing. Or I hope so. But sometimes my exchange processes are slow and slow to sprout. Flowering April to May. Sometimes it breaks out on April 1, others on 25 May. Hence my delay.
Paco Del Blog,, (sorry I am still clumsy with this blog and not put the links attached to the name will provide direct access) I was pleasantly surprised that it has been into account what people say they actually execute the actions of service excellence. We're going to put it another way, I'm kinda tired of always hearing the same CEOs, Directors, and other professionals in your industry that you speak wonders of what they know, their organization, their experience, their outlook, and which often do not correspond to the inner reality of your business. When you start listening to its employees, is perplexed at least.
wisdom and knowledge is at all, or at least more people, the same as always.
Fernando Del Blog,, I am harsh. "To travel is to learn", and agreeing with this statement in a way, (I think there are many who travel and learn nothing. Vacas watching the train.) The learning is an attitude, I would even say painful, where the learner is constantly wondering what he perceives, reconfiguring the interpretation you are doing, wondering why and for what, where, and how ...) So, and these times many do not travel far, as the people of Burgos the weekend, or pool of polideportivo.Y others simply do not travel to any site. So what we are learning ... to say who stays stanby.
propose then that we learn experientially, as my dear Fernando, another type of travel. What if instead of places people travel?
If instead of knowing India and a temple "cursed" of rats, we know the next.
And it is very possible that we're going to travel, also contains within it frogs and snakes, and also contains within it an altar of gold, with dried petals on the floor, and food chewed by rodents, or even, likely to emerge from the depths of their being two people lean and dark, inviting you to chew the same food ... If this "country", that person we know is so seemingly unpleasant, can we learn anything?
Thanks to Fernando and his attitude, we read them. But theirs is not only believe what Fernando said, but experience.
do you dare to know that you only think you choke that "ball" rat food in his mouth?
Revolvámonos a bit please!
pd. I'll pick those blogs, reviews, actors, and others that put me ahead. Forgive my boldness, and appreciate my courage.
Barter is supported.
Regards, M.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Mountain King Blue Oxford Fir Tree
I embarked on a project on 12 May, and now, arrival into port, I live with four other people with only a sink.
far we might think that I went with an NGO to a South American jungle and share bed and washbasin. I admit I feel very lucky that the crisis (which I now it sounds like the name of neighbor 2 nd), have pushed me to buy a space that has been converted into a house and at this moment is becoming a household.
land this September 14, between boxes, tools, equipment and operators. But without toilets. I still visit the glazier, the plumber, and carpenter. Over these months I have met so many people, so many ways of doing, I have seen grow the walls, outlets, hydrants, even beautiful reborn windows. And everything seemed to be rising as a work of art. Mine.
So, and knowing that life does not stop for any reason, any time now looking past (although, again, I have not finished) I realize that I introduced another element to get out of bed, I sometimes made it difficult to sleep, which has shown my patience ... and I can not embrace because the story, not embrace them, with the intention to change, grow, improve, move forward.
My time, my effort, my energy into this project has lived with others, with other experiences, with some farewell still hard for me to digest ... life goes on, and now is in another place.
I am delighted to introduce a sudden and shocking change in our habits and customs, in my order and harmony in these times that my head needed to re-furnished. Enchanted
company I have, certain of the decisions I make, and pushed by four when brushing your teeth touch.
I invite you to embark on risky projects, rapid, and sometimes, during its implementation will make you feel pain ... in the end the reward will be great.
Here I am, back.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
How Long Does Interior Paint Last?

I started traveling and summer-tourists-... (Check wit! And invent a concept, give body and meaning come alone, and the best, sure we have all lived this way ever!, There are many ways to live the summer), when he was only four years ... I do not remember, I've been told: I flew on fly to Alicante, San Juan, exactly, with my grandparents, my mother and my brother and my father-came-down-... ran the same distance in a cream-colored Mini, when there was no tolls! (and I remember that summer very little pool, but the costume that I brought my father, and his presence when he arrived ... all because he was left "almost half an hour, I do not know how many days were you just-de rodriguez" working alone without his wife without her children, and without his wife's parents, who had fled to the "south" ... to look for the summer.
Then came the summer holidays in Fermoselle, 15 days to enjoy this family who did not see the entire year, village feasts, traditions bull fights and amaze you, and you are amazing, (but in a closure-free bulls gored a donkey and a priest! "and nobody flinched or changed or modified as to bring the bulls to the square ! ... is it about the traditions ... not essentially turns, and of course not changed! and less in summer!).
I gave summers in Malgrat de Mar, Denia, Minorca, Ibiza, in ... I learned to appreciate the climate for my summer, the timing of the opportunity to enjoy a swimming pool, walk in braces, to come and go with Mom and Dad and the "brother" without any specific direction or intention rather than walk because yes. Enjoy of the company, the moment ... I realized, too, of varied nationalities, languages, customs (one does not miss living bread to a dinner with British English, where less bread in table was all.) It is true that all those summers have been etched in my brain, and although at first only remember where they were the swings in the hotel, later discovered that the great parental effort by lead-teach-move ... I did much more, including my desire, which are still current, to learn more and más.Más people, more places, more ways ... more. In adolescence
landed in a village in Tarragona, where my parents decided they had to put down roots for what that "children" and need their equal ... same as the rumor had appeared and the curiosity of a new partner in the "urban" and that today, 20 years later, still overlooking the garden when they find out we've come. I then
Villadiego vacationing in Sydney, and in Fuerteventura (and in other places and ways) and it's later, it colored my opinion of my summer verano.Creo then, it was defined.
My parents helped me to discover that summer, the summer and everything that can be done during the holiday period this season, can and should be wonderful.
One, which keep in mind, saying that life can be wonderful, and I modestly add, the whole wonderful life, goes through a wonderful summer.
pd. Thanks to all of you that made my summers have names of people.
My brother, who also knows the pools and the playground of the places where "summer" together, and where we vacationing together.
Clear Airsoft Guns Canada
Friday, June 25, 2010
Ati Digital Cable Tuner

And I say that to move three eggs in the air must be very clever, and also trying and trying to come such a gesture for a long time, with large doses of patience and perseverance, so funny and natural, almost effortless, for that the failure to raise and release them into the stratosphere is represented as if nothing had happened.
I guess I also happily moving any current issue in the spotlight, you have to give the same juggling way. Rubbing and rubbing a topic, should be required to prove in their own meat which is, staining of an egg every other time too, "pegajosearse" with the tip, and stooping to pick up the pieces continually crashed on the final .
The time change, for example, do not really know what it is, but suffered in the flesh and dark circles, something like narrowed waist of the pants, we do not know quite what it is, if you're not drowning belt in the horizontal float which is above the navel. Reduce consumption somewhat, say snuff, beer, or fats, now with the operation bikini ... or increase the use of public transport, for example ... the speaker goes through it, exemplify, savor, he lives to give credibility and seriousness to his speech, and when they start to speak, to say or to legislate, either on an experimental basis.
Come, I say.
So, it is clear that it is easier to contradict and run contrary to everything and not having to defend what you say facts. So you do not have to stain the egg, or turn anything on the air, and strive to improve
flips ... I say, that when one of the eggs crashes the ground, and lose his composure, the owner will look cute, and his longing for flight, and engaging in the other two orphaned more carefully.
Then I guess when we actually Crushers against any subject matter, whether a decree any law, regulation or law football snuff ... through the establishment of new mills in the district, municipal or invitation to the hygiene the feces of the dogs or car-free day ... well, that anything works, and anybody can appear flattened against the pavement, I say, that when we see it there, we will blush by clumsy, almost predictable, and that any firing ... that Yes, it costs us dearly. And lose many eggs to our planet would orphan chickens.
to me I just dropped one wearing turning for a while. It turns out that on the basis of hearing and hearing, was also believed to exist, it was possible to rotate the egg in the air of conciliation, and that their money was beautiful, harmonious, and evolution. And also would be accompanied by two eggs, which is extracted from the obvious concept (reconciled = as two or more propositions or doctrines seemingly opposite, according to RAE), of two eggs and some ....
and hop, hop! Had chosen to play with the egg of professional development and level monitoring of stress. Here are my three eggs.
Now, do not know which of the three fell first, but I shall not open its shell looked so sweet but with a psycho killer look of American film, busted and disgusted so many attempts, so many spots, and to return to the fray with much tortilla.
"and you, how are you doing with your balls juggle?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Winx Glam Magic Dolls
"Love me tender, love me sweet" ... sang Elvis. "Never let me go."
Recently I participated in a survey face. Quite an experience. Receiving a letter inviting-threatening (for the same proportions) to participate in a study household expenditure on my autonomous community. It appears that the competent body of such studies had been outsourced to a company whose business was to survey, at least of this type. And to my door a young man presented himself with the door ajar and the chain pitch, handed me a card: Sergio V. Hesitant, cut, sweaty and awkward. An expert interviewer. Again he handed me the disturbing letter that the agency used to "seduce" people to their dedication and involvement, he told me that my collaboration with a great reward worth 20 euros at the end of the survey and would spend on a particular supermarket, and also mentioned the threat sanction for not participating.
do not know which of their arguments led me to accept, but I assumed the obligation to register a libretilla my expenses and save receipts for them for two weeks, every day. "Ok, this will help me not spend a penny, to avoid having to write it down." As well, I had to answer four questionnaires about my finances, my income, my possessions, my family members, the management of the same ... All figures accurate. A suckling pig, on the other hand, I highlighted the risk of money that is going to cost, and you do not have much control.
"Love me tender, love me long, take me to your heart." I met with Sergio
three times over two weeks. Tardy appeared with his shoulder bag full of questionnaires, notebooks, and pens, and told me where he came from, what other ladies were answering their questions and how they were doing with the data record. All, except I ask nothing. "I come runnin ', and sweating. And I offered him a glass of water, and smiled as he covered his thirst and smiled, and confessed that I probably would not have to run more, which was downsizing its business, and obviously went to the street. But not to be surveyed.
"When at last my dreams come true Darling this I know
Happiness will follow you Everywhere you go. "
evaded him off shaking his hand keeping in mind the teachings of my mother (" beware of strangers ") but got my coupon and probably heard that next year is again Contact me for details see the difference ... So who are serious and that once you've gotten really used to throw ... everything you tell them to add and subtract.
remember thinking: "I wish we already know, use a call center, total!, Comes to the same thing and at least, I have to get on my home to anyone. Moreover, because these conversations are record, will not have to listen to the hardships of the pollster, to suffer their careers, their tremors and I can eat in peace while I do the questions. "
remember that too, thought Sam. And I felt bad.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Designtech Remote Car Starter User Manual
I wait below.
Have a nice flight!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Pokemonruby Gameshark 1 Hit Kills

THE boss is a bundle of leaves off the shredder.
He looks bewildered look on the one hand, look on the other ... That's what happens
an employee and very politely says
- I can help? The
grateful boss replied: "Very nice
, it seems that technology is beyond me.
The diligent employee takes the packet of papers, put them in the slot, press the switch, and begins to be heard the sound of the papers when they shatter.
The employee tells the boss:
"Well, See how easy?
And the chief question:
- And where do the copies come out?
And now I come and write: so what?, And I do as I smiled slyly. I happen to be behind
imagine the situation, has given ma laugh. Be at, shall we say, sympathetic to the image conveyed, or the wonderful color "brown" emanating (either scatological sugiere_ we fucked petite!, or because the employee comes over a brown of those who say ...)
I laugh because actually I guess if something similar happened to me, I would laugh and see the fact away at the flesh of another ... yes it's funny or not?
And that's the key: if we spend our lives taking for granted the things, words, gestures (I understand that the employee assumed that the boss wanted to shred the papers, I say, now, if you suppose another reading ...) We live
anticipating the play, without question, without sound, without verifying that what we assume is true true. I really do not give me laugh if I charge by the reports of the trituradara boss? Posible.Si I think everything is stone cold, yes, there is the possibility that an attack I laugh at so great error. But everything is guesswork. Best left to guess.
I can assume that leader's thoughts and reactions. I can assume the color of the face of the employee, his hesitation in speaking, his apology ...
But surely no success. And is it true that there is certainty before things happen?, It is always true to past events .. or maybe not, because as I said Mr. Lidón, provided there are three truths: that of the prosecution, defense, and the judge. The fact each person is unique but live it, sees it differently. So the reality is neither unique nor when it happened.
Why assume so much and so badly? Why not check our assumptions? Same
serie.Pero comes even this sentence, as is supposed.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Goldfish Behaviour Lab
And if no words? and if it does not get along, to say, to write, to speak ... to express what I feel? if I can not build, nor relate ... if I can not write how to convey what I see, what I think? if the silence comes over me, clumsiness prevented me and fell, and I suffer in that fire can not find the formula, mode of to get, tell, explain ... everything?
what if convenient and easy to adopt for this position, and silence all my thoughts? if ditch struggle and effort to gather words to communicate feelings? and if I grow as a person quiet and hushed, and fall silent forever?
and if I find the words because I understand they are the ones that I do not belong? and if I apologize to silence, or I go silent?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Arizona License Number Generator
traveled by subway on my way back. Became absorbed in my thoughts. looking without seeing the backs of the houses, drains, damp stains, the disclosures of gas, the gas bottles, the empty awnings because of the clouds ... when suddenly I beheld. Sitting across from me, his knees almost against mine. Crossed eyes a moment, a moment of shame, the kind of "caught me", and we did so because she was hiding something. Clutched her purse to her chest, and had shrunk his neck, trying to get into the trench. I hid facing left, into the hall, land, other than as I sat, went on the subway.
see her again, she looked out the window. I guess watching these facades reverse, those gray, those green moldy, when suddenly his eyes became glazed, his nose turned red, and barely moving, he managed to pull out a handkerchief from his pocket, and quietly, rubbing his chin, his mouth, hide again, then behind the black bag.
knew not react, or yes. I followed my mind while watching indiscreetly shooting me messages: Take him her hand, give him a tissue, ask if you are right ... I could only smile with respect. Sketch a small smile that appeared at the corner of my lips, and she nodded with appreciation. That's when my stomach when hungry, was filled with a ball of desire: desire to mourn, urge to scream at everyone, like hugging ... I was seeing empty mourn. Watching her tears streaked her cheeks. Now
alone. Recalling what I saw and what I experienced, and what I felt, I think I held too the kind that in an excellent grasp my imagination, not succumbing to the ideas of the death of his dog, loss of a suitcase in the news a disease ... what?. The fact is that she was suffering and I looked.
Happy new day.
pd. I got off with aplomb, leaving my chair and my curiosity. I left there and since then I have not seen him, but I would like.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
How Fast Do Temazepam Work
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sterling Combination Lock Unlock
As for your wife to "help" in the Duties of the House? y. .. that if, out "victorious"? (I should add too! Because you've seen before, that when you ask them to help with housework, makes a face ..., no?).
Well, very simple! Keep it always "happy" and radiant! atendela servile as a real queen! And above all ... the "GRAAAN" Secret to
Veras and after a Cunnie bueeeno changes the mood of tired from work, looking for "mop", anxious or angry with their heads! Always works!
And so really, colorin, red as you help your wife happy in daily life , buenooo ... even a little, right? We will not ask to spend the hands or broken nails with the mop, no? That Modern women will say, is for metrosexual men of today! Ja, ja!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What Perfume Smells Like Baby Powder?

Now I, which has stopped sad to see the lions.
Nh Media Entertainment
Humor in comic book never ceases to amaze .... and there is something for everyone! To see what they think of these? Here are some "scenes" to make up ...
"MotherInLaw Angelito" : llamdo well for his ability to pass unnoticed in normal life and blend until it was assembled a kilombo. Nobody understood as such horns had been armed mess of a common and current situation, then, yes, you guessed right! Had been her, with her angelic face, nobody would think of what he was able! When you knew ... you came a mad desire to want to kill her or throw the balcony!
MotherInLaw "Finger in the Orto" : is the typical mother who gets into everything ... and if you tell him something, ortho puts you face and answer for your ass!
Physical Therapy Cover Letter For New Grads
Télécharger Emblem Guilde Ragnarok
casual Is it the insistence on the part of the patriarchal cultures to keep women away from power? There's nothing casual about it! Centuries come from being "consumed" a style of power that always took care to discredit women, particularly in traditional religions. Did you notice?
But why so much emphasis on that women reach positions of power? What we could "lose" men? Ja, ja! This in itself is a very interesting question and certainly gives to many pose ...
strangest thing is that even today, in almost all formal religion continues to be denied so drastically for example, the Bishop, being Cures, women! And this not only happening in the Catholic religion, but also in the Jewish and Islam in (in the latter two, I think this bigotry or fear angry at women, is still much more accentuated! ). But it does not provide for more and slowly being born a New Spirituality, one that is more home, but above all much more genuine and that transcends the dogma imposed by the few who dominated the "chess pieces" on the board of Power.
Certainly in the New Age that lies ahead, women will have a role not only principal but will be rulers of these changes we are talking about. But this will come with time, obviously not happen from one day to the other!
The fear that many men so often fear, is to contact the woman inside with their "feminine side" and feminize the power, society, doing everything we know more transparent, more just, more equitable, but above all ... more compassionate.
is only a matter of time for women to contact their "shaman" Inside, fasceta of priestesses, but this will come only after a purification of sexist cultural patterns, yet deeply rooted!
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When asked which involved this issue, I said that usually the Most people will often trigger false image (or "film") of the typical Hollywood scene: the mine with a whip, dressed in black leather, high boots ...
However, this issue goes way beyond what we have always been sold on TV and commercials! Why? Well, come a stagnant culture for centuries in a form of patriarchal dominance, which has always endeavored to ridicule everything that has to do with "women in power", mere guise of ogres in the style in-law (also, another typical scene that we have "programmed" with us commercials and TV shows).
This type of grotesque scenes, very distorted from reality, are precisely those that most harm us, printing in our mental patterns (also called "thought patterns" or "limiting belief patterns") the idea that everything related to Femdom is pathetic, wrong and deserves to be prosecuted as if we were in a Modern Inquisition or "Witch Hunt"!
However, what I wanted to make clear, finally, is that just as there are so many styles of politics as people in the world, there are also many ways of understanding the Femdom.
is not longer as in the past, falling into a typical reductionist view, of course, very comfortable, "O it is Black or White", but in this issue of the Note, there are plenty of nuances and certainly every couple apex, discover and will implement their own personal style of power in the family, whether or not Femdom Femdom. Is that clear?
remember well, in high school, when a very young teacher of civic education, we confessed that her partner, she was in charge. That left me very impressed and as I knew from long ago, I realized I did not follow at all the typical profile of the Tele Hollywood, but was sympathetic, tender and more, on several occasions, I saw her talking with her husband, also teaching and although she was very firm in his convictions, also decided to let the life.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Mini Coopersafety Reviews
I like being short. I believe that some of the features of my blog is to be read soon, and hopefully, long meditated. And most of the time find right words, letters appropriate, with the appropriate sense is really expensive. Say convey everything I want, more or less limited literature ... and it is great to use other resources: the candles.
I also like the candles, indirect lighting, soft, faint, suggesting ... that which lights the room, but no light at all, where small details are great, and where the darkness of some corners becomes voluntarily sought, caused.
I found light in many places in the mouths of many people, where a smile ... light was required to reach the next sunrise.
Happy weekend.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Light Pink Tinged Mucus
More than a spouse married secretly wondered: What now with 4 children and "happily" married (and wife) and horns if I want to hang out with my friends partying?
Well, the answer finally comes to New Technologies 3D simulation of reality, if it is to see to believe! Ji, ji!
Well, sure that after this "revived" more than a wife or girlfriend and you apiol happen one another buzzword to return to retort on kindled your spouse, do not you think? Ja, ja! What comes then? A virtual chastity belt for remote control and web cam to see "online" which is doing its male? Would not surprise me ...
Waitress Gentlemens Club Job

man enters his wife still underlies Prejudice "(and fear) TO BE CONSIDERED GAY LITTLE O 'manhood'? Or have you overcome?
The following is a question q did to a people responsible for selling products TUPPER SEX in meetings or mixed groups of women:
"As is often the reaction and, above all men, when in a joint reunion theme emerges, one partner in the q a woman with her toy penetrates her boyfriend or husband? Are you still having a reaction of rejection of the majority of women or not? q What about men?
Are they still sooo macho as it used to? Say ... considering there's fame q q English men (and more from Galicia) are often very macho, no? Is sooo so today? arise every so often some interesting confessions?
'd appreciated if you could post a response at some point in our group expand our network of friends to talk about taboo subjects FREE!
q and apparently this is one of the strongest taboos q underlie our societies, besides the fear in men aq someone suspicious of his manhood or confuse them with being gay, do not think?
Q "intend to do with this? The idea is to demystify certain issues continue with a load q very strong taboo in most of the population. Do you like "face" to the track opposite to a group of women in the q are present his men, friends or boyfriends?
it still sooo negative attitude of most men or women, so that they themselves are closed, and denied the pleasure of feeling his own point G (which according philosophy Tantric Sex East, q indicates one of the most erogenous zones in men)? Q Is it okay to continue depriving men of a very special pleasure all for a male bias?
addition, I q sowing mischief controversy and some spicy, is how you can attract more people aq decided to "test" on these points are still sparking q sooo biased opinions, no?
I'll leave the topic published in the group and if you want you can add to the controversy and give us your opinion. From already thank you very much, adri of Argentina. "
Monday, March 29, 2010
Canned Lobster For Lobster Bisque
That is, if the calculations do not deceive us, share debri down about 30 per month. We hope to continue to have good news to tell!