Humor in comic book never ceases to amaze .... and there is something for everyone! To see what they think of these? Here are some "scenes" to make up ...
"The Mother In Law Brings Yeta" : was called so because they appeared at the worst times: when you tried to make love to your wife to "convince "I let you get out with your bar friends, or you give in the next day Remote Control, to see the party, etc, etc.
"The mother who barks" , another typical example often used to represent these commadronas, indeed, a style of relationship of power that is giving way to women, not only much more intelligent in applying its power, but much more sensitive, intuitive located ( Antopologos according to some, its predecessors ... were women with a missing link, had Genes in common with Generation Caveat of "Barra Bravas"! ). Y. .., were not far each other, no?
in-law "No Telling You" : it was called so because, had detected a direct interrelationship between any intimate situation of the couple and it is say, you better not open his mouth while she was at home ...., because half the neighborhood and found out later, Patapufete! We might be arming with your wife!
"MotherInLaw Angelito" : llamdo well for his ability to pass unnoticed in normal life and blend until it was assembled a kilombo. Nobody understood as such horns had been armed mess of a common and current situation, then, yes, you guessed right! Had been her, with her angelic face, nobody would think of what he was able! When you knew ... you came a mad desire to want to kill her or throw the balcony!
MotherInLaw "Finger in the Orto" : is the typical mother who gets into everything ... and if you tell him something, ortho puts you face and answer for your ass!
"Mother In Law Monster" (Also called by the children "The Incredible Hulk" for its ability to "transform" in the most difficult times! Alias \u200b\u200b "the patovica" of the Family!). ) undoubtedly the worst of all! (Before an annoying suitor for a daughter, or your husband molested in some sense to you, you got the call and assured than the "means" good message!
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