When asked which involved this issue, I said that usually the Most people will often trigger false image (or "film") of the typical Hollywood scene: the mine with a whip, dressed in black leather, high boots ...
However, this issue goes way beyond what we have always been sold on TV and commercials! Why? Well, come a stagnant culture for centuries in a form of patriarchal dominance, which has always endeavored to ridicule everything that has to do with "women in power", mere guise of ogres in the style in-law (also, another typical scene that we have "programmed" with us commercials and TV shows).
This type of grotesque scenes, very distorted from reality, are precisely those that most harm us, printing in our mental patterns (also called "thought patterns" or "limiting belief patterns") the idea that everything related to Femdom is pathetic, wrong and deserves to be prosecuted as if we were in a Modern Inquisition or "Witch Hunt"!
However, what I wanted to make clear, finally, is that just as there are so many styles of politics as people in the world, there are also many ways of understanding the Femdom.
is not longer as in the past, falling into a typical reductionist view, of course, very comfortable, "O it is Black or White", but in this issue of the Note, there are plenty of nuances and certainly every couple apex, discover and will implement their own personal style of power in the family, whether or not Femdom Femdom. Is that clear?
remember well, in high school, when a very young teacher of civic education, we confessed that her partner, she was in charge. That left me very impressed and as I knew from long ago, I realized I did not follow at all the typical profile of the Tele Hollywood, but was sympathetic, tender and more, on several occasions, I saw her talking with her husband, also teaching and although she was very firm in his convictions, also decided to let the life.
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