FOLLOWING ITEMS "Unleashing much controversy?
WHAT IS YOURS OR THINK YOU CAN Q to trigger LINDA A controversial?
man enters his wife still underlies Prejudice "(and fear) TO BE CONSIDERED GAY LITTLE O 'manhood'? Or have you overcome?
The following is a question q did to a people responsible for selling products TUPPER SEX in meetings or mixed groups of women:
"As is often the reaction and, above all men, when in a joint reunion theme emerges, one partner in the q a woman with her toy penetrates her boyfriend or husband? Are you still having a reaction of rejection of the majority of women or not? q What about men?
Are they still sooo macho as it used to? Say ... considering there's fame q q English men (and more from Galicia) are often very macho, no? Is sooo so today? arise every so often some interesting confessions?
'd appreciated if you could post a response at some point in our group expand our network of friends to talk about taboo subjects FREE!
man enters his wife still underlies Prejudice "(and fear) TO BE CONSIDERED GAY LITTLE O 'manhood'? Or have you overcome?
The following is a question q did to a people responsible for selling products TUPPER SEX in meetings or mixed groups of women:
"As is often the reaction and, above all men, when in a joint reunion theme emerges, one partner in the q a woman with her toy penetrates her boyfriend or husband? Are you still having a reaction of rejection of the majority of women or not? q What about men?
Are they still sooo macho as it used to? Say ... considering there's fame q q English men (and more from Galicia) are often very macho, no? Is sooo so today? arise every so often some interesting confessions?
'd appreciated if you could post a response at some point in our group expand our network of friends to talk about taboo subjects FREE!
q and apparently this is one of the strongest taboos q underlie our societies, besides the fear in men aq someone suspicious of his manhood or confuse them with being gay, do not think?
As if it's still not clear enough, I clarify what (Ha ha! That's right, our male prejudice, we do not usually leave think clearly!): We are talking in the case of whether it penetrates q is a woman, not a chabon, ok? So the question of strapon or dilldo practiced a woman to a man.
Q "intend to do with this? The idea is to demystify certain issues continue with a load q very strong taboo in most of the population. Do you like "face" to the track opposite to a group of women in the q are present his men, friends or boyfriends?
it still sooo negative attitude of most men or women, so that they themselves are closed, and denied the pleasure of feeling his own point G (which according philosophy Tantric Sex East, q indicates one of the most erogenous zones in men)? Q Is it okay to continue depriving men of a very special pleasure all for a male bias?
addition, I q sowing mischief controversy and some spicy, is how you can attract more people aq decided to "test" on these points are still sparking q sooo biased opinions, no?
I'll leave the topic published in the group and if you want you can add to the controversy and give us your opinion. From already thank you very much, adri of Argentina. "
Q "intend to do with this? The idea is to demystify certain issues continue with a load q very strong taboo in most of the population. Do you like "face" to the track opposite to a group of women in the q are present his men, friends or boyfriends?
it still sooo negative attitude of most men or women, so that they themselves are closed, and denied the pleasure of feeling his own point G (which according philosophy Tantric Sex East, q indicates one of the most erogenous zones in men)? Q Is it okay to continue depriving men of a very special pleasure all for a male bias?
addition, I q sowing mischief controversy and some spicy, is how you can attract more people aq decided to "test" on these points are still sparking q sooo biased opinions, no?
I'll leave the topic published in the group and if you want you can add to the controversy and give us your opinion. From already thank you very much, adri of Argentina. "
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