Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Télécharger Emblem Guilde Ragnarok

El Siglo XXI, not for nothing is called the Century of Women!

casual Is it the insistence on the part of the patriarchal cultures to keep women away from power? There's nothing casual about it! Centuries come from being "consumed" a style of power that always took care to discredit women, particularly in traditional religions. Did you notice?

But why so much emphasis on that women reach positions of power? What we could "lose" men? Ja, ja! This in itself is a very interesting question and certainly gives to many pose ...

strangest thing is that even today, in almost all formal religion continues to be denied so drastically for example, the Bishop, being Cures, women! And this not only happening in the Catholic religion, but also in the Jewish and Islam in (in the latter two, I think this bigotry or fear angry at women, is still much more accentuated! ). But it does not provide for more and slowly being born a New Spirituality, one that is more home, but above all much more genuine and that transcends the dogma imposed by the few who dominated the "chess pieces" on the board of Power.

Certainly in the New Age that lies ahead, women will have a role not only principal but will be rulers of these changes we are talking about. But this will come with time, obviously not happen from one day to the other!

The fear that many men so often fear, is to contact the woman inside with their "feminine side" and feminize the power, society, doing everything we know more transparent, more just, more equitable, but above all ... more compassionate.

is only a matter of time for women to contact their "shaman" Inside, fasceta of priestesses, but this will come only after a purification of sexist cultural patterns, yet deeply rooted!


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