I started traveling and summer-tourists-... (Check wit! And invent a concept, give body and meaning come alone, and the best, sure we have all lived this way ever!, There are many ways to live the summer), when he was only four years ... I do not remember, I've been told: I flew on fly to Alicante, San Juan, exactly, with my grandparents, my mother and my brother and my father-came-down-... ran the same distance in a cream-colored Mini, when there was no tolls! (and I remember that summer very little pool, but the costume that I brought my father, and his presence when he arrived ... all because he was left "almost half an hour, I do not know how many days were you just-de rodriguez" working alone without his wife without her children, and without his wife's parents, who had fled to the "south" ... to look for the summer.
Then came the summer holidays in Fermoselle, 15 days to enjoy this family who did not see the entire year, village feasts, traditions bull fights and amaze you, and you are amazing, (but in a closure-free bulls gored a donkey and a priest! "and nobody flinched or changed or modified as to bring the bulls to the square ! ... is it about the traditions ... not essentially turns, and of course not changed! and less in summer!).
I gave summers in Malgrat de Mar, Denia, Minorca, Ibiza, in ... I learned to appreciate the climate for my summer, the timing of the opportunity to enjoy a swimming pool, walk in braces, to come and go with Mom and Dad and the "brother" without any specific direction or intention rather than walk because yes. Enjoy of the company, the moment ... I realized, too, of varied nationalities, languages, customs (one does not miss living bread to a dinner with British English, where less bread in table was all.) It is true that all those summers have been etched in my brain, and although at first only remember where they were the swings in the hotel, later discovered that the great parental effort by lead-teach-move ... I did much more, including my desire, which are still current, to learn more and más.Más people, more places, more ways ... more. In adolescence
landed in a village in Tarragona, where my parents decided they had to put down roots for what that "children" and need their equal ... same as the rumor had appeared and the curiosity of a new partner in the "urban" and that today, 20 years later, still overlooking the garden when they find out we've come. I then
Villadiego vacationing in Sydney, and in Fuerteventura (and in other places and ways) and it's later, it colored my opinion of my summer verano.Creo then, it was defined.
My parents helped me to discover that summer, the summer and everything that can be done during the holiday period this season, can and should be wonderful.
One, which keep in mind, saying that life can be wonderful, and I modestly add, the whole wonderful life, goes through a wonderful summer.
pd. Thanks to all of you that made my summers have names of people.
My brother, who also knows the pools and the playground of the places where "summer" together, and where we vacationing together.
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