I want a bowl. I will serve to collect water, drink and wash, even to transport these days of cold snow, I can use it to push the ice piles up at my door, or climb it, get around the puddles. With it, I can take drugs, carry the babies, cooking, and sleeping dentro.Todo that.
I can under its belly covered with heavy rains, even if the level gets too high the river, I can use the barge and stretching the knees, cross over I'll still lado.Allí a basin.
If I feel tired, I will return and sit on your belly, breathe deep, I'll take fuerezas feeling full of my bowl.
All resilient (http://www.pilarjerico.com/resilientes) that boasts, has a basin, and if I think you just have to remember those trips, those pictures, those images viste.Toda life that emerges from TV, women, men and children carrying a bowl. In these neighborhoods, in these countries, in those places ... all these, carry one, should be keeping a miracle in itself, and that so little is accomplished that mucho.Sobrevivir and be happy. A great combination based on a pan.
I want a bowl. Gather fruit, I will bear my clothes will protect me from the bullets.
I want a bowl. Clearly, if these are high quality ... I need it in this society, but "society" is if we deal basins sucia.Tal time instead of points for moving, if we pull on one with the life insurance and not a pressure cooker, or if the window overlook Loewe showcase this Christmas ...
I want a bowl.
I want.
And possibly, but not know it, you, too.
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