The question arises .. if you were the boyfriend (or whatever it is committed) with a bossy woman and she decided one day take their whims beyond, How far can get serious?
recently saw the comedy of the new Chevrolet commercial (link here below), the truth is that this very good, so do not miss it!
The idea of \u200b\u200baccompanying virtual friend on long routes in Patagonia, in fact, is nothing new, is inspired by one of the chapters "The Big Bang Theory"
where Nerd is the eccentric, Sheldon Cooper, has no better idea to create a virtual version of himself and takes a walk around the neighborhood ... really so funny! can see the trailer of quirky invention, the "Sheldon-bot" (from robot) right here . If you like the quirky humor of the Nerd delirious, imagine your boyfriend all dressed in costumes that in this other videito .

Returning to the original question ... I imagined a typical femdom scene that is occurring in many modern couples ... we are talking about Cuckold or horns.
Imaginemonos que ella te impone estar con su amante o nuevo novio y que solo estes presente como voyeur o fisgon.
Asi que llevando la idea del videito de Chevrolet... a una vuelta d
"Bazzzzinga!" diria Sheldon Cooper si de repente viera todo esto! Ja, ja! It would be really great, do not you think? Ja, ja! The enabler of modern technology, no?
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