"Draw your council" read the exercise. And below, Alfredo with their dedication, had drawn his own.
"Wow, how nice! What is it?", Probed the grandmother.
"The council, grandmother, City Hall," Alfred smiled proudly.
"oh, so many flowers!".
"are not flowers, Grandma, are flags," he replied seriously.
"Look Grandma, this is the flag of the earth. The planet and the galaxy. And this black spot is a black hole that will suck us in a few years," he said pointing to a blue flag with a green dot and one black.
"by God," the grandmother crossed herself.
"and this one, the European community, with all its stars. Some day I'll tell you why are only twelve stars. Which is pretty? .. "He continued.
" my son ... what things you study in school ... God bless. "
" and the Grandmother, is that of Spain. This you already know, right? This is the flag of the English State, which goes beyond the mainland. We must not forget Ceuta and Melilla, which are in Africa or the islands. For some it is the flag of his nation, but not for others ... well, Grandma. "
Grandmother was speechless.
" and this one here also know her grandmother, the ikurriña ...". yes son, yes, the flag of the Basque territory.
"No grandma, it is of the Basque community, this flag welcomes Basque nation beyond the borders of the state ... includes the French Basques, Basque and Navarre, which belong to another community .... not limited to a specific territory ... and there are many Basques who do not like ... you are not going to understand, grandma .. and this one is that of the municipality. You like? "
" Oh, son, I understand only paint. Much color! beautiful all "he said.
" and that, how beautiful, which is the arrival of spring? "Grandma spoke again.
" Grandma, this is the gay pride parade. I've drawn it reminds us all the groups that make up a community with no territory, only for equal sexual status. Grandma, do not put these faces. That I'm older and things. Greater things. It is normal that in our municpio held stuff. "He added.
" Oh son, if you hear your grandfather ...", grandmother shrugged.
"and this one, Grandma, this is what we have invented my colleagues and me: the neighborhood and our football team ... You like? "said the last one was colored.
" and this box unpainted, "asked the grandmother again.
" For peace. For peace in all corners of the planet, grandmother, in all communities, territories, nations and states. This is the one that has never changed. "
Alfredo closed its case colors and grandmother kissed her forehead.
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