The Swell Season Live At Amoeba.
Full Concert Live by The Swell Season you gave in Amoeba Store and I really liked the quality of sound and image so I decided to share it with you and who love this band. And soon translate another of these issues. I hope you like it.
Here is the list of topics and duration:
1. Rising Low - 5:05
2. Feeling The Pull - 4:40
3. High Horses - 6:50
4. Fantasy Man - 5:38
5. Leave - 3:32
6. Astral Weeks - 5:45
7. I Have Loved You Wrong - 7:00
8. This Low - 5:37
9. When Your Mind's Made Up - 5:43
10. Falling Slowly - 5:51
11. Moving On - 5:36
To view the page directly from the Amoeba, enter
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Difference Between Physicians Formula And Almay
Fraternity, fuel to move from crisis to opportunity
We are in changing times. A crucial moment in history when we are between two paradigms, this brings great confusion because we have to live with one foot giving answers to old problems for a while but will be with us, and in turn, with the other challenges that are exploring new to our understanding.
The crisis is multifactorial. It ranges from global, through social, economic, political, ecological and reaching to the spiritual. A characteristic of the times is seen in bewilderment as, our best actions to resolve a problem in one of these subjects, believe in others.
specialists Our vision leaves us with no fully satisfactory answers, only a holistic view, the multidimensional approach, which provides for totalizing of integrity the challenges we are facing the crisis, we will transform it into an opportunity for our peoples.
The policy should, now more than ever, draw upon the most innovative knowledge that the human spirit is unfolding. We must be humble and accept that what they have believed for a long time, has outlived its usefulness. It is about recognizing the evolution, experience gratitude for what has been helpful in the past and have the courage to transcend it so we can have a better future.
The menu is served. Resources and knowledge are enough to change life on earth generating welfare for all. We let the selfishness and the spirit of domination and conquest still imposed for the benefit of a few, or awaken a spirit of brotherhood that allows us to make the leap of consciousness to show us the scene of a new humanity, full of possibilities and place for all, a journey whose destination is written with cooperation, freedom, respect and love for our Mother Earth.
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Paul Church |
The crisis is multifactorial. It ranges from global, through social, economic, political, ecological and reaching to the spiritual. A characteristic of the times is seen in bewilderment as, our best actions to resolve a problem in one of these subjects, believe in others.
specialists Our vision leaves us with no fully satisfactory answers, only a holistic view, the multidimensional approach, which provides for totalizing of integrity the challenges we are facing the crisis, we will transform it into an opportunity for our peoples.
The policy should, now more than ever, draw upon the most innovative knowledge that the human spirit is unfolding. We must be humble and accept that what they have believed for a long time, has outlived its usefulness. It is about recognizing the evolution, experience gratitude for what has been helpful in the past and have the courage to transcend it so we can have a better future.
The menu is served. Resources and knowledge are enough to change life on earth generating welfare for all. We let the selfishness and the spirit of domination and conquest still imposed for the benefit of a few, or awaken a spirit of brotherhood that allows us to make the leap of consciousness to show us the scene of a new humanity, full of possibilities and place for all, a journey whose destination is written with cooperation, freedom, respect and love for our Mother Earth.
Paul Church
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bump On Lip Is Not A Cold Sore
TEDxRosario - Andres Schuschny - Design fraternal
Andrés Schuschny a degree in Physical Sciences (UBA) and Doctor in Economics (UBA). Made numerous graduate courses abroad. Its transdisciplinary experience as a researcher, university professor and graduate of several universities and international consultant allowed him to work on such varied topics as the study of complex adaptive systems applied to biology and economics, econometric and quantitative economic analysis, the use of information systems geographical applied to sustainable development, among many other activities. Today he serves as United Nations staff conducting research related to energy forecasting and climate change. He published the book: The Red and the future of organizations. More online ... More integrated? "That linked to the 2.0 world and coaching. It is also an advisor to the Transconsultora muscui, catalytic processes of cultural change in organizations.
has published numerous articles in scholarly and popular journals, book chapters, edited his blog: Humanism and connectivity.
has published numerous articles in scholarly and popular journals, book chapters, edited his blog: Humanism and connectivity.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Indoor Public Basketball Court
and why not? Alfredo
And why not?
Usually when something happens to us, whatever, we jumped into why me?. I am in a sensitive situation to define, and in which only I think to ask, and why not?
My muse is weak, slack and expressionless. I believe that debate between the operation and bikini, and go to the contemplative life. Sure it hurts anything, and does not complain, but remains silent so that evidence of his ailment. I've caught raiding the medicine cabinet for the final end when signing with a glass of water.
Weaknesses forgive them many things. A whole pack of gum, a good glass of wine or a plate of spagettis.Y then comes the embarrassment. Com
And I decided, let the muse walks in other places and I, a coward without it, I just appealing to your discretion. Let her rest, escape, forget, ... and again.
I put in your hands the election, and as if reading a billboard, with little information, they were: choose on impulse, and in a few days, the muse is back. At least I hope so, because ... and that would not be?
"Effects of workplace bullying or harassment and employment effects"
"The Land of Cavadas"
"What I learned from Ibai"
"The body language of a music box"
Slaves wanted "
" I feel like it. " Ear
kitchen, while I give him the heater to the selected topic, you go colacándote napkin.
Bon appetit.
And why not?
Usually when something happens to us, whatever, we jumped into why me?. I am in a sensitive situation to define, and in which only I think to ask, and why not?
My muse is weak, slack and expressionless. I believe that debate between the operation and bikini, and go to the contemplative life. Sure it hurts anything, and does not complain, but remains silent so that evidence of his ailment. I've caught raiding the medicine cabinet for the final end when signing with a glass of water.
Weaknesses forgive them many things. A whole pack of gum, a good glass of wine or a plate of spagettis.Y then comes the embarrassment. Com
And I decided, let the muse walks in other places and I, a coward without it, I just appealing to your discretion. Let her rest, escape, forget, ... and again.
I put in your hands the election, and as if reading a billboard, with little information, they were: choose on impulse, and in a few days, the muse is back. At least I hope so, because ... and that would not be?
"Effects of workplace bullying or harassment and employment effects"
"The Land of Cavadas"
"What I learned from Ibai"
"The body language of a music box"
Slaves wanted "
" I feel like it. " Ear
kitchen, while I give him the heater to the selected topic, you go colacándote napkin.
Bon appetit.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Vernors Ginger Ale San Diego
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Christopher Cervantes |
We borrow
the title of the famous song by Bob Dylan of the 60 that marked that era. Indeed, in those years began to change times and lately the changes are accelerating. We have expressed several times in the blog our view of the current crisis, since more than 3 years we have been saying that, in our opinion, this is a crisis Global systemic, ie the global capitalist system is in crisis. Is not the first crisis of capitalism, has gone through several in its two centuries of existence, the last was the crash of 1929, and unless we learn from the mistakes of this crisis to be wrong again, again. This time the causes of the crisis in the first overcome debt capacity, and secondly by the end of cheap oil.
alternatives out of the crisis are two, on the one hand that capitalism reaches its height increasing their thirst for violence, control and exploitation, or else a way cooperation, solidarity, ecology, the new consciousness that emerged in the 60's. Crisis is defined as the time it ends not to die old and new born does not end. In our opinion the old is the capitalist system with his conscience materialistic, individualistic, consumerist and competitive, and new is the global consciousness, ecology, peace, cooperation, freedom, creativity, spirituality, and all values which began to spread in the 60's.
This new consciousness is not entirely new, but until now had been reserved for women and wise men and mystics. 2,500-Socrates said: "I am not an Athenian or a Greek but a citizen of the world." Very few people have repeated this planetary consciousness throughout history, but at 60 we could see the planet through television, a blue planet, without borders, in the midst of the vast universe, a common house extended global consciousness.
For example, small, this change is the video (two parts) of the conference Arcadi Oliveres published in the last blog entry, "I'm Moroccan and I'm going out on 20 February." In just two months, and only word of mouth on the Internet, has added more than 600,000 views on YouTube. Arcadi is one of those basic Christian has spent his entire life dedicated to justice and peace, with an impressive cv does not seek fame, money or power, but will act in good looking the common good, I know many of them committed Christians, mostly anonymous, are in line with the liberation theology to spirituality and social commitment they will together.
What is surprising is that Arcadi has spent decades giving talks to minority audiences, and this video is a lecture at a modest association of immigrants, and suddenly two months have seen more than 600,000 people.
The other day a writer friend who has spent half his life writing about new ecological consciousness and told me it is now when you can live it.
are two examples of how times are changing, those who are over 30 years saying that this system was not working, following the emergence of this new consciousness in the 60's, now have more viewers than ever because everyone is actually checking that the system is in crisis and needed sources of light and hope, emerging leaders.
But do not expect leaders to save us, the new leadership is collective, quantum, not personal, as we see in the Arab revolution.
But as we said before, the "other" out of the crisis is the development logic of the system to its height, increasing their thirst for violence, control and exploitation. A worrying sign of this change is that the dream capitalists always had been a minimum state that only serve two functions: to ensure that contracts (commercial, business, labor ...) are met and the order in the streets, everything else the "free market." Now the British Prime Minister announced the privatization of all public services less justice and police, to ensure contracts and order in the streets.
If one studies the history of the British people will, or at least that's what it seems to me, who have the rare ability to stay ahead of their time, to innovate, in politics, economy, culture, many things have gone from there it has spread all over the world later. In this context, it is not surprising that this measure be extended to other Western countries.
We have repeatedly compared the blog this crisis and the crisis of mourning, the crisis that a person goes through when facing death, loss of a loved one, a great transit. The five stages of grief crises are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
In our humble opinion, and thinking globally, we completed the long transition from denial to anger in the Arab revolution speaks of "days of rage". The crisis seems that no one denies it, as happened at first, but still refuses the depth of the crisis, and what is worse, many people still think that sooner or later return to before, and that is impossible. For example, the English government just a month ago (one thousand days after the crisis began, more than 3 years after the beginning of the crisis) has begun to change his speech that had the most solid financial system in the world to admit that we have some problems and we're going to have to pay between all English.
The debt problem is global, has exceeded the borrowing capacity of individuals, families, businesses, banks and government. And the main problem is the private debt, not debt. Long ago weather reports circulating internationally regarding the state of banking in Spain and are not very optimistic.
British Prime Minister is the only one, to my knowledge, has told its citizens that things will never be as before, only just arrived and has already laid off half a million public employees, has cut aid social, and promises to privatize all public services less justice and police, while touring the Arab countries selling arms right now.
are two possible futures, and depend on us, every one of us. As Leonardo Boff says, we have a revolution to do, take that life is changing and evolving and that we all are co-creators of the future.
Friday, March 4, 2011
What To Write On A Wedding Card To Close Friends
How far you could reach if your wife what you propose?
The question arises .. if you were the boyfriend (or whatever it is committed) with a bossy woman and she decided one day take their whims beyond, How far can get serious?
recently saw the comedy of the new Chevrolet commercial (link here below), the truth is that this very good, so do not miss it!
Returning to the original question ... I imagined a typical femdom scene that is occurring in many modern couples ... we are talking about Cuckold or horns.
Imaginemonos que ella te impone estar con su amante o nuevo novio y que solo estes presente como voyeur o fisgon.
Asi que llevando la idea del videito de Chevrolet... a una vuelta d
e tuerca mas , me imagino a una novia femdom que te tiene atado en otro cuarto y te impone que veas toda la escena de sus flirteos amorosos con su nuevo amante de turno, usando una notebook con web cam y banda ancha que te deja a vos en el cuarto contiguo para que saborees de lejos toda la escena!
"Bazzzzinga!" diria Sheldon Cooper si de repente viera todo esto! Ja, ja! It would be really great, do not you think? Ja, ja! The enabler of modern technology, no?
The question arises .. if you were the boyfriend (or whatever it is committed) with a bossy woman and she decided one day take their whims beyond, How far can get serious?
recently saw the comedy of the new Chevrolet commercial (link here below), the truth is that this very good, so do not miss it!
The idea of \u200b\u200baccompanying virtual friend on long routes in Patagonia, in fact, is nothing new, is inspired by one of the chapters "The Big Bang Theory"
where Nerd is the eccentric, Sheldon Cooper, has no better idea to create a virtual version of himself and takes a walk around the neighborhood ... really so funny! can see the trailer of quirky invention, the "Sheldon-bot" (from robot) right here . If you like the quirky humor of the Nerd delirious, imagine your boyfriend all dressed in costumes that in this other videito .

Returning to the original question ... I imagined a typical femdom scene that is occurring in many modern couples ... we are talking about Cuckold or horns.
Imaginemonos que ella te impone estar con su amante o nuevo novio y que solo estes presente como voyeur o fisgon.
Asi que llevando la idea del videito de Chevrolet... a una vuelta d
"Bazzzzinga!" diria Sheldon Cooper si de repente viera todo esto! Ja, ja! It would be really great, do not you think? Ja, ja! The enabler of modern technology, no?
He Touched My Boobies
The flags.
"Draw your council" read the exercise. And below, Alfredo with their dedication, had drawn his own.
"Wow, how nice! What is it?", Probed the grandmother.
"The council, grandmother, City Hall," Alfred smiled proudly.
"oh, so many flowers!".
"are not flowers, Grandma, are flags," he replied seriously.
"Look Grandma, this is the flag of the earth. The planet and the galaxy. And this black spot is a black hole that will suck us in a few years," he said pointing to a blue flag with a green dot and one black.
"by God," the grandmother crossed herself.
"and this one, the European community, with all its stars. Some day I'll tell you why are only twelve stars. Which is pretty? .. "He continued.
" my son ... what things you study in school ... God bless. "
" and the Grandmother, is that of Spain. This you already know, right? This is the flag of the English State, which goes beyond the mainland. We must not forget Ceuta and Melilla, which are in Africa or the islands. For some it is the flag of his nation, but not for others ... well, Grandma. "
Grandmother was speechless.
" and this one here also know her grandmother, the ikurriña ...". yes son, yes, the flag of the Basque territory.
"No grandma, it is of the Basque community, this flag welcomes Basque nation beyond the borders of the state ... includes the French Basques, Basque and Navarre, which belong to another community .... not limited to a specific territory ... and there are many Basques who do not like ... you are not going to understand, grandma .. and this one is that of the municipality. You like? "
" Oh, son, I understand only paint. Much color! beautiful all "he said.
" and that, how beautiful, which is the arrival of spring? "Grandma spoke again.
" Grandma, this is the gay pride parade. I've drawn it reminds us all the groups that make up a community with no territory, only for equal sexual status. Grandma, do not put these faces. That I'm older and things. Greater things. It is normal that in our municpio held stuff. "He added.
" Oh son, if you hear your grandfather ...", grandmother shrugged.
"and this one, Grandma, this is what we have invented my colleagues and me: the neighborhood and our football team ... You like? "said the last one was colored.
" and this box unpainted, "asked the grandmother again.
" For peace. For peace in all corners of the planet, grandmother, in all communities, territories, nations and states. This is the one that has never changed. "
Alfredo closed its case colors and grandmother kissed her forehead.

"Draw your council" read the exercise. And below, Alfredo with their dedication, had drawn his own.
"Wow, how nice! What is it?", Probed the grandmother.
"The council, grandmother, City Hall," Alfred smiled proudly.
"oh, so many flowers!".
"are not flowers, Grandma, are flags," he replied seriously.
"Look Grandma, this is the flag of the earth. The planet and the galaxy. And this black spot is a black hole that will suck us in a few years," he said pointing to a blue flag with a green dot and one black.
"by God," the grandmother crossed herself.
"and this one, the European community, with all its stars. Some day I'll tell you why are only twelve stars. Which is pretty? .. "He continued.
" my son ... what things you study in school ... God bless. "
" and the Grandmother, is that of Spain. This you already know, right? This is the flag of the English State, which goes beyond the mainland. We must not forget Ceuta and Melilla, which are in Africa or the islands. For some it is the flag of his nation, but not for others ... well, Grandma. "
Grandmother was speechless.
" and this one here also know her grandmother, the ikurriña ...". yes son, yes, the flag of the Basque territory.
"No grandma, it is of the Basque community, this flag welcomes Basque nation beyond the borders of the state ... includes the French Basques, Basque and Navarre, which belong to another community .... not limited to a specific territory ... and there are many Basques who do not like ... you are not going to understand, grandma .. and this one is that of the municipality. You like? "
" Oh, son, I understand only paint. Much color! beautiful all "he said.
" and that, how beautiful, which is the arrival of spring? "Grandma spoke again.
" Grandma, this is the gay pride parade. I've drawn it reminds us all the groups that make up a community with no territory, only for equal sexual status. Grandma, do not put these faces. That I'm older and things. Greater things. It is normal that in our municpio held stuff. "He added.
" Oh son, if you hear your grandfather ...", grandmother shrugged.
"and this one, Grandma, this is what we have invented my colleagues and me: the neighborhood and our football team ... You like? "said the last one was colored.
" and this box unpainted, "asked the grandmother again.
" For peace. For peace in all corners of the planet, grandmother, in all communities, territories, nations and states. This is the one that has never changed. "
Alfredo closed its case colors and grandmother kissed her forehead.
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