Friday, January 7, 2011

What Kind Of Strap Did Lennon Use

I, too, am legend. One year

fell the other night, and by chance, in a film already begun, and the truth is that I learned mucho.No know how I dare to write this post with so little information about it.
addition, the fact Garnish with a bit of zapping, and with that I managed to entirely have to re-invent the plot.

You stand alone on the planet with a dog. And all because I believe that a virus causes your peers to become in beings who want to make you all costa.No puñeta know if suck your blood, eat or sorberte the brain, the fact is that after dark, just want to be with your life. We could say that suffer from an incurable disease called envidiosis. Envy that you can dawn, come and go in the sun, and nutrients normally. Envy you live, you've survived.
In one of his attacks, I note with amazement, and with one eye closed, (broadcast the movies on TV a few hours ...) that your dog is attacked by one of these beings.
The hero gets the dog to release her murderer, and when at home, try to heal, embrace it and make sure the dog is going to be (in seconds! In one of these al.)
have to kill him, before the new being who occupies the body of the dog, try to attack him. Strangles him with his own hands. Impresionante.De
The stage has three parts, one find that your only companion, has contaminado.Dos decide to remove it now. Three run.
confess I succumbed at the end of the film, and I have no idea how it ends.
Curiosity will investigate, but in any case, it would seem appropriate to have the final.
The parallels to the loneliness, struggle, survival, and near me seem easy. I go further: the hope of finding a solution when all the facts, the facts are contrary. The need to communicate, to hear a hello, how are you?. To share, to be socially.

I see myself on many occasions as the protagonist. And that, I first generated a superiority complex. The others are "sick" and I can still look at the sun. I can find a way out for me and for them. I view that inferiority complex heroine, but on the other hand, if what I see and live, the perception I have, is so gray, so sick ... and I think I can give color ...

Actually, I would not be a legend.

"Life is simple, because the struggle is simple. The good fighter but does not give back. It bends, but does not quit. If you can not get up before him, deviates and goes further. If shortness of breath, rest and wait. If it is knocked out, encourages his brothers with the word and presence. And even when everything seems to crumble before him, despair never affect you. "
Pierre de Coubertin.


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