Martin lost his life under a tractor.
The gritty details describe not really important.
What I learned is that he was a young man, very young and even more, to die that way. His fate would dirty, that while Martin was driving a child, the tractor that he grew up, ended his life.
was married to Veronica, a dyed blonde at home, which gave him an air of disheveled barbie, and which loomed black root from afar. A big woman, big fat woman, and for always being happy, or so they said, and despite being so shy, be provided at all hours, cordial and close.
A Vero pierced his sadness in cara.Como a seal on an envelope. There was no room in his face where to look and not see anything. "I left alone, "advertised.
his belly so round, and nearly 6 months and one black coat that bound him, it seemed that their roots were black you even more.
Mourning head to toe.
The accompanied by his mother, a small, lean and gafosa, and deeply cracked triste.Una women in the field, which has seen it all and all it has left marks. Martin, now wearing the palma.Él was in those days, the last scar.
When we entered the court, Rafa and me, we slapped the warmth of central heating. This blow stuns you and you just put the thought ropa.Se rip your throat we dried it and because we observe the scene: two of them there alone, black, serious, waiting, waiting for our check. The insurer had reached an agreement with the widow. A number with more zeros and it would have been the only trago.Pero ours, because living things, they had them two lifetime without Martín.Y that, not passed as a drink.
There were no condolences, just surrender, the signing, the receipt, and settlement. There was barely
dismissed; a proper handshake. And back to the car. That
Burgos town hosted a winter book, but the cold could not make us feel anything, we cut the icy air face.
Silence accompanied us during km away.The motorway, the sun and the heating on.
My companion, after a while, spit, "this car has flats worth more than the life of the poor Martin."
The BMW coupe and Rafael Grand floated on the highway.
My throat remained dry long time.
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