Sunday, April 25, 2010

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As for your wife to "help" in the Duties of the House?

As for your wife to "help" in the Duties of the House? y. .. that if, out "victorious"? (I should add too! Because you've seen before, that when you ask them to help with housework, makes a face ..., no?).

Well, very simple! Keep it always "happy" and radiant! atendela servile as a real queen! And above all ... the "GRAAAN" Secret to

when making love, looong sessions of Cunnilingus! and less than our habit of finishing and turn around " sleep and forget about them! that there is nothing romantic! Say the truth!

Veras and after a Cunnie bueeeno changes the mood of tired from work, looking for "mop", anxious or angry with their heads! Always works!

And so really, colorin, red as you help your wife happy in daily life , buenooo ... even a little, right? We will not ask to spend the hands or broken nails with the mop, no? That Modern women will say, is for metrosexual men of today! Ja, ja!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Perfume Smells Like Baby Powder?

Lions Nacho sad.

"Have you noticed, breast, mailboxes on the lion-shaped building down?" And I, I look, and say, "Wow, it's true all its pelamen, eyes and nose, and mouth half open, sadly. "

"Have you noticed, mama, that the peaks of the church are cut?" And I reply, "Yes, yes, and certainly good saw, but I had not noticed, let alone know what has been.

"And below that balcony there monsters?!" "And look, look!, That door of that house looks like the footprint a horse! "" Look mom, the bridge over the river, that target just ahead ... it seems that it wanted to take the wind ..!!!"; "no," he said, "is that architect who designed the bridge has put it well, and seems to be gone with the wind, but not quiet. "Abandoning his fill of carrying a child-radio on ... I am excited by what he says. Apago music , and start to listen. I see through his eyes a town, mine, and I rediscover my capital.

"Look mama that building!, look, Mom, what more giant anchor, look, look at that crane! ! "" That crane is called Carola "," real?? what the coolest name for a crane !!!", and I'm happy to point out something more to his enthusiasm. On the other hand, I think, "because, well, yes she's pretty yes, very tall, and stately"

"Wow, what clothes hanging in the house ???!!!", me smile, even a clothesline full of sheets is appealing to a child!. He sees a work of art, multicolor moving. "They look like boat sails." "These are sheets, but sheets are as a sailor."

"Ya", and remains so wide. I, meanwhile I smile. I am delighted not to miss this moment and he has given me the opportunity to see the same thing differently.

Today I do not know if that walked again, the capital of my province, as so often but more slowly, I said to myself, "Take the opportunity to marvel at everything around you," as when we talk about places Fernando distant, or see on television these transatlantic destinations ... and we like the baba, desire, envy, and other things ...", and so it proved.
Now I, which has stopped sad to see the lions.

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The pictures are worth more than ... Jokes about mothers-in ...

Humor in comic book never ceases to amaze .... and there is something for everyone! To see what they think of these? Here are some "scenes" to make up ...

"The Mother In Law Brings Yeta" : was called so because they appeared at the worst times: when you tried to make love to your wife to "convince "I let you get out with your bar friends, or you give in the next day Remote Control, to see the party, etc, etc.

"The mother who barks" , another typical example often used to represent these commadronas, indeed, a style of relationship of power that is giving way to women, not only much more intelligent in applying its power, but much more sensitive, intuitive located ( Antopologos according to some, its predecessors ... were women with a missing link, had Genes in common with Generation Caveat of "Barra Bravas"! ). Y. .., were not far each other, no?

in-law "No Telling You" : it was called so because, had detected a direct interrelationship between any intimate situation of the couple and it is say, you better not open his mouth while she was at home ...., because half the neighborhood and found out later, Patapufete! We might be arming with your wife!

"MotherInLaw Angelito" : llamdo well for his ability to pass unnoticed in normal life and blend until it was assembled a kilombo. Nobody understood as such horns had been armed mess of a common and current situation, then, yes, you guessed right! Had been her, with her angelic face, nobody would think of what he was able! When you knew ... you came a mad desire to want to kill her or throw the balcony!

MotherInLaw "Finger in the Orto" : is the typical mother who gets into everything ... and if you tell him something, ortho puts you face and answer for your ass!

"Mother In Law Monster" (Also called by the children "The Incredible Hulk" for its ability to "transform" in the most difficult times! Alias \u200b\u200b "the patovica" of the Family!). ) undoubtedly the worst of all! (Before an annoying suitor for a daughter, or your husband molested in some sense to you, you got the call and assured than the "means" good message!

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pictures are worth more than ... Part 2

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pictures are worth a thousand words, right?

speak about this ... djo them as a joke ... and see them appear.

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El Siglo XXI, not for nothing is called the Century of Women!

casual Is it the insistence on the part of the patriarchal cultures to keep women away from power? There's nothing casual about it! Centuries come from being "consumed" a style of power that always took care to discredit women, particularly in traditional religions. Did you notice?

But why so much emphasis on that women reach positions of power? What we could "lose" men? Ja, ja! This in itself is a very interesting question and certainly gives to many pose ...

strangest thing is that even today, in almost all formal religion continues to be denied so drastically for example, the Bishop, being Cures, women! And this not only happening in the Catholic religion, but also in the Jewish and Islam in (in the latter two, I think this bigotry or fear angry at women, is still much more accentuated! ). But it does not provide for more and slowly being born a New Spirituality, one that is more home, but above all much more genuine and that transcends the dogma imposed by the few who dominated the "chess pieces" on the board of Power.

Certainly in the New Age that lies ahead, women will have a role not only principal but will be rulers of these changes we are talking about. But this will come with time, obviously not happen from one day to the other!

The fear that many men so often fear, is to contact the woman inside with their "feminine side" and feminize the power, society, doing everything we know more transparent, more just, more equitable, but above all ... more compassionate.

is only a matter of time for women to contact their "shaman" Inside, fasceta of priestesses, but this will come only after a purification of sexist cultural patterns, yet deeply rooted!

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Femdom Femdom or not, Uncovering the Truth about Bias!

few weeks ago I was interviewed for the Magazine Conta and Win. " The theme of the Note was Femdom or, which is, female domination.

When asked which involved this issue, I said that usually the Most people will often trigger false image (or "film") of the typical Hollywood scene: the mine with a whip, dressed in black leather, high boots ...

However, this issue goes way beyond what we have always been sold on TV and commercials! Why? Well, come a stagnant culture for centuries in a form of patriarchal dominance, which has always endeavored to ridicule everything that has to do with "women in power", mere guise of ogres in the style in-law (also, another typical scene that we have "programmed" with us commercials and TV shows).

This type of grotesque scenes, very distorted from reality, are precisely those that most harm us, printing in our mental patterns (also called "thought patterns" or "limiting belief patterns") the idea that everything related to Femdom is pathetic, wrong and deserves to be prosecuted as if we were in a Modern Inquisition or "Witch Hunt"!

However, what I wanted to make clear, finally, is that just as there are so many styles of politics as people in the world, there are also many ways of understanding the Femdom.
is not longer as in the past, falling into a typical reductionist view, of course, very comfortable, "O it is Black or White", but in this issue of the Note, there are plenty of nuances and certainly every couple apex, discover and will implement their own personal style of power in the family, whether or not Femdom Femdom. Is that clear?

remember well, in high school, when a very young teacher of civic education, we confessed that her partner, she was in charge. That left me very impressed and as I knew from long ago, I realized I did not follow at all the typical profile of the Tele Hollywood, but was sympathetic, tender and more, on several occasions, I saw her talking with her husband, also teaching and although she was very firm in his convictions, also decided to let the life.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mini Coopersafety Reviews

and you, how you light your moments?

I like being short. I believe that some of the features of my blog is to be read soon, and hopefully, long meditated. And most of the time find right words, letters appropriate, with the appropriate sense is really expensive. Say convey everything I want, more or less limited literature ... and it is great to use other resources: the candles.
I also like the candles, indirect lighting, soft, faint, suggesting ... that which lights the room, but no light at all, where small details are great, and where the darkness of some corners becomes voluntarily sought, caused.
I found light in many places in the mouths of many people, where a smile ... light was required to reach the next sunrise.
Happy weekend.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Light Pink Tinged Mucus

wife controls .. "Made the Law, made the trap!"

More than a spouse married secretly wondered: What now with 4 children and "happily" married (and wife) and horns if I want to hang out with my friends partying?

Well, the answer finally comes to New Technologies 3D simulation of reality, if it is to see to believe! Ji, ji!

Well, sure that after this "revived" more than a wife or girlfriend and you apiol happen one another buzzword to return to retort on kindled your spouse, do not you think? Ja, ja! What comes then? A virtual chastity belt for remote control and web cam to see "online" which is doing its male? Would not surprise me ...

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Issues "today still feel controversial?

FOLLOWING ITEMS "Unleashing much controversy?

FOLLOWING ITEMS "Unleashing much controversy?
WHAT IS YOURS OR THINK YOU CAN Q to trigger LINDA A controversial?

man enters his wife still underlies Prejudice "(and fear) TO BE CONSIDERED GAY LITTLE O 'manhood'? Or have you overcome?

The following is a question q did to a people responsible for selling products TUPPER SEX in meetings or mixed groups of women:

"As is often the reaction and, above all men, when in a joint reunion theme emerges, one partner in the q a woman with her toy penetrates her boyfriend or husband? Are you still having a reaction of rejection of the majority of women or not? q What about men?

Are they still sooo macho as it used to? Say ... considering there's fame q q English men (and more from Galicia) are often very macho, no? Is sooo so today? arise every so often some interesting confessions?

'd appreciated if you could post a response at some point in our group expand our network of friends to talk about taboo subjects FREE!

q and apparently this is one of the strongest taboos q underlie our societies, besides the fear in men aq someone suspicious of his manhood or confuse them with being gay, do not think?

As if it's still not clear enough, I clarify what (Ha ha! That's right, our male prejudice, we do not usually leave think clearly!): We are talking in the case of whether it penetrates q is a woman, not a chabon, ok? So the question of strapon or dilldo practiced a woman to a man.

Q "intend to do with this? The idea is to demystify certain issues continue with a load q very strong taboo in most of the population. Do you like "face" to the track opposite to a group of women in the q are present his men, friends or boyfriends?

it still sooo negative attitude of most men or women, so that they themselves are closed, and denied the pleasure of feeling his own point G (which according philosophy Tantric Sex East, q indicates one of the most erogenous zones in men)? Q Is it okay to continue depriving men of a very special pleasure all for a male bias?

addition, I q sowing mischief controversy and some spicy, is how you can attract more people aq decided to "test" on these points are still sparking q sooo biased opinions, no?

I'll leave the topic published in the group and if you want you can add to the controversy and give us your opinion. From already thank you very much, adri of Argentina. "