When I see on TV to gossip or make that one famous public has a "hidden life" about relations D / s (Domination / submission) and up not to respect privacy of these persons, discussed as if "the graaan sin! I keep wondering ...
But is sooo well? For favorrrr! But if we all have hidden desires and erotic fantasies of the most outlandish, perhaps the big difference is that the vast majority of us do not give permission to perform them, right? And they yes, then, just for daring to "break the
schemes" which supposedly social good or not, the crucified? Hmmm .... I find it very unfair! And then the journalists, broadcasters, etc. they are the Puritans! Ja, ja!

I mean, no? There is talk of this kind of games as if these people (who are like us) were perverts, pedophiles and rapists to fantasize and realize these desires that we all hold!
The result: as I read once in a blog and as I said Sigmund Freud, a mentally ill society always live repressing their desires (which are normal desires Otor side, both common and wild)!
is to think, no?
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