we also aimed at Bancaja and Gerber to reconsider its position and not take advantage of the mistakes of the City Council for their own benefit and against our interests .
Editor of Bancaja, for transfer to the Group Manager and BANCAJA Geber URBAN HABITAT-
know the reasons you Bancaja group, through the entity pr Geber URBANA, to maintain that they are building 83 houses in the neighborhood of San Vicente, are or may be of PPV Agreed Regime. So we know the tremendous mistakes that our City has made the draw for which we were awarded the housing scheme as a whole.
But this does not prevent us

only tell you that when you planned the construction of housing, even if they did as Agreed Arrangements had to make their calculations and projects according to the maximum value at that time had such housing contract (May speak before , 2008, just in February of that year.) So I knew that entity could charge the maximum per square meter did not exceed the 1,300 Euros) and not currently intend to 1637.28 euros per square meter. And those prices calculated the estimated investment and adequate and sufficient to obtain the benefit.
That however, seems an attempt to abuse and antisocial and therefore out of the social objectives that characterize an entity as Bancaja. Taking advantage of that in May / June 2008, the Generalitat government raised prices of homes in our town concerted 1,637 euros per square meter, PC, benefiting immediately to that position and seek to win with that decree Catalonia, almost 2,000,000 euros. And they do so at the expense of young San Antonio de Benagéber and against social objectives Bancaja should pursue. Even if relying on a document signed with our City Council that permits, indeed document that no one could see originally signed to date.
With this text we try to make our application lelgar consistent with its laws and social goal ........ In particular to agree to allow the homes that we were awarded by the City of VPP General Scheme, are classified as such by the Government. And thus permits, in addition to price, and in itself expensive of these houses today, we can access all the aid that we are entitled as General Housing Scheme, and disappear s units, maintain status as Agreed Regime .
.. We would like to convey this concern directly ....
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