Monday, September 22, 2008

Eczema Vs Impetigo Face

The Assembly of the September 13 Management Committee endorsed the presentation

As you know, last met September 13 in the town square in local Colinas Association requested the City Council to our meeting. The room did not give it to help all those who were, some of the attendees had to stay and local input.

First, we introduce the Management Committee members, elected among the winners at the meeting of July 25, also are the people who have been advising on all maremagnum documents. There has been much excitement among the attendees. All have been connected and they have become involved. The reason we moved all was simple and unique - ALL WANT OUR HOME PROTECTION SYSTEM GENERAL PUBLIC. WE ALL WANT THE CITY COUNCIL WILL MEET YOUR DUTY AND MAKE CHANGE THE RATING TO THE PROMOTER, KEEPING THE PRICE AND PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL SCHEME AS SPECIFIED IN THE RULES.

Given this, the participants affirm, without objection, to the Management Committee, while new people joined and requested the associations that joined us ( Hills, Pueblo and San Vicente ) continue their support. Everyone agreed and understood that the first step was to get into the negotiation that the City is taking to help and agrees with the promoter. It will come the time to call responsabildiad where it belongs, if it goes wrong. But now we're all excited.

The Management Committee was appointed was: Sara Delgado

- Paula Saez - Jordi Galdón - Estefania Martinez - Catalá-

Alba, among others, are collaborating with us Association hills and advice we have given the associations of the municipality. The more people collaborate, the more sources of information and ideas we have, also a member of the committee has the task of verifying that all information is correct, to prevent our demand different parties become something partisan.

We will keep you informed because we have already requested a meeting with the City, to work with him closely.


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