And I say that to move three eggs in the air must be very clever, and also trying and trying to come such a gesture for a long time, with large doses of patience and perseverance, so funny and natural, almost effortless, for that the failure to raise and release them into the stratosphere is represented as if nothing had happened.
I guess I also happily moving any current issue in the spotlight, you have to give the same juggling way. Rubbing and rubbing a topic, should be required to prove in their own meat which is, staining of an egg every other time too, "pegajosearse" with the tip, and stooping to pick up the pieces continually crashed on the final .
The time change, for example, do not really know what it is, but suffered in the flesh and dark circles, something like narrowed waist of the pants, we do not know quite what it is, if you're not drowning belt in the horizontal float which is above the navel. Reduce consumption somewhat, say snuff, beer, or fats, now with the operation bikini ... or increase the use of public transport, for example ... the speaker goes through it, exemplify, savor, he lives to give credibility and seriousness to his speech, and when they start to speak, to say or to legislate, either on an experimental basis.
Come, I say.
So, it is clear that it is easier to contradict and run contrary to everything and not having to defend what you say facts. So you do not have to stain the egg, or turn anything on the air, and strive to improve
flips ... I say, that when one of the eggs crashes the ground, and lose his composure, the owner will look cute, and his longing for flight, and engaging in the other two orphaned more carefully.
Then I guess when we actually Crushers against any subject matter, whether a decree any law, regulation or law football snuff ... through the establishment of new mills in the district, municipal or invitation to the hygiene the feces of the dogs or car-free day ... well, that anything works, and anybody can appear flattened against the pavement, I say, that when we see it there, we will blush by clumsy, almost predictable, and that any firing ... that Yes, it costs us dearly. And lose many eggs to our planet would orphan chickens.
to me I just dropped one wearing turning for a while. It turns out that on the basis of hearing and hearing, was also believed to exist, it was possible to rotate the egg in the air of conciliation, and that their money was beautiful, harmonious, and evolution. And also would be accompanied by two eggs, which is extracted from the obvious concept (reconciled = as two or more propositions or doctrines seemingly opposite, according to RAE), of two eggs and some ....
and hop, hop! Had chosen to play with the egg of professional development and level monitoring of stress. Here are my three eggs.
Now, do not know which of the three fell first, but I shall not open its shell looked so sweet but with a psycho killer look of American film, busted and disgusted so many attempts, so many spots, and to return to the fray with much tortilla.
"and you, how are you doing with your balls juggle?