not only "Women to Power", also more young people! Contract Phew! That issue East tabloid press, tabloid o. .. what ever! Worst of all is that it has expanded both in news and the most insignificant asshole .. that so-called "serious press" or "traditional" consume now and spread in large quantities!
Many will pray that actually come "new life" all this paraphernalia of the news industry (which seems the only thing that matters is amassing more and more money!). What I would like many is that in some way, begins to put more emphasis on the news that we leave something and all those that deal about how to improve the ecological conditions at the planetarium. But ... can this be possible or a mere idealistic desire of many of us?
why the proposal is that, in order to give more positive changes, we should give more chances for women in this regard.
is also true that many see the idealism of youth (digo. .. of which is still not completely corrupt ideas!) as an opportunity that would help big changes! I think these two perspectives is very true!
other news today I read over Berlusconi (Berlusconi buy "naked sexy" in a French gallery " ), well, just gave a look to see what it was, and once more proved that cheap gossip was more than usual: repeat the idiocies of others and so transform an act of intimacy and private life in a "big news"!
I wonder: What's wrong with buying sexy pictures of nude or female? Was not something "cool" in the Renaissance era and no one looked bad? And then? Since when a politician should be more "Catholic than the Pope" if you are a normal and common (background) as any of us?
On countless occasions people are surprised to see how today's youth is no mosque in this type of events is more, we learned that many of them do not be ashamed to put together a scandal if they find out that a cousin has an affair with a teacher 20 years older than the guy or that sort of thing!
They remain genuine and that most of the so-called "adult" (if in quotation marks!) Would be a monstrous scandal for them goes far beyond the age difference and if there was an evil intent behind! So I say, build opportunities for many more women and young people reach positions of power! But, if we continue business as usual, always perpetuating positions as senators, congressmen, judges, etc.. jovatos mostly male and 50-something up, does that opportunity to "new ideas" are we talking about? Ja, ja!
We know it is no coincidence that in the key positions of power is a male energy saturation and this tends to be "stuck" in the 1800's thought patterns, so why not bring more young blood and also in addition to de-addicted women of old? I leave you with this pose.