results of the first meeting with the City Day October 2nd OPV The first meeting with the City Council has been a simple exchange of information, without obtaining any other than the we already had. therefore urgently necessary to make the first meeting with the developer promised, which we have been assured that we will be .
That morning, members of the Committee had reviewed and consulted on the Prop file with the disappointing result that indicated here.
Ayuntameinto At the meeting, through its spokesperson and councilor Urban Fitness is committed to: 1 .- Send us
Memory of Qualities, or tell us clearly whether or not there.
At the time of the interview had the City not clear from what has been undertaken to find out. There are indications not yet exist.
2 .- The City will facilitate an interview with the developer, or URBANA Geber to inform us about the design data and bill of materials, where appropriate.
3 .- In the week of October Bridge (October 9). The City will inform us whether there has been any news on the matter.
4 .- The City assumes that we are not willing to accept another solution to the reclassification. And he says that is what has requested Bancaja.
5 .- At the next meeting with the developer, the City agrees to include us.
6 .- The City "finds" the agreement with the developer and we will be given a signed copy. If to exist since it seems or as suspected, there are serious doubts about its existence. After the bridge
know something specific, or not know anything. In either case, make a report and explain NEW ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE AND THE INFORMATION OBTAINED. Those who simply have not left a contact email, do it on the web to call and inform.
This has been the development of more specifically the meeting.
We have accompanied the President of the Hills Neighborhood Association and the assessor that the associations have put at our disposal. In the Municipality has been Councilman Philip Bath urban planning. According
Councilman this week had had an interview with the promoter, with both sides of the promotra. And they have pledged to put alternatives on the table.
As we have explained that the only alternative that we see, to avoid the liability of the City Council, was the change in rating. The council has indicated that this was exactly his opinion as well and that was the only option we were asking the developer.
As we have reported that the Prop has not signed the Convention with the promoter. And that the developer has submitted written own asking to go ahead and delivered record provisionally classified as Agreed Regime. Councilman indicates that unknown because the document is not signed and will find out.
committing to give a copy of the signed or explain because it is not signed.
When considering the major economic differences between the General and Rating and Classification as Agreed. Shows that it takes into account and that's why he the only option considered is the General Housing Scheme.
This is, in summarizing the outcome of the meeting. We have said for the week of Oct. 9, but in principle, com oveis, the question remains the same conditions, without any progress. And pending that you think is promoter.
therefore urgently necessary to make the first meeting with the developer promised, which we have been assured that we will be .